Hospital Staff Ask the Public to Stay at Home
As Guernsey entered lockdown we received a message on one of the first mornings. The States of Guernsey wanted to get the message across as to how important lockdown was by sending a message from the healthcare workers at the hospital to the community. Things were moving so fast there was no real plan – Zoe, our client, was putting together a script on the way up to the hospital. We arrived to find a range of doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff waiting for us to organise them! The concept was fairly simple, we needed to show the team as a single unit (socially distanced) sending out a clear message: we will work as hard as we need to to make people better, but you need to do your part and stay at home. The end result was simple but powerful. It was very quickly watched, shared and used by news organisations and got the message across in an engaging way.
We received the call at 10am and we delivered the film that evening.